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List Of Area Codes In The UK

Our Area Codes List displays a full record of UK phone codes. If you have a missed call from a landline and want to discover where they called from, simply click on the telephone area code number and we’ll tell you which location is belongs to. Read More

You can use the Area Codes List as often as you like – every click is free. Once you know the general location of the phone number, you can view it on our Map or buy credits to search our Telephone Directory for further details.

Alternatively, try using the International Phone Area Code List, Dialling Code Search or the Area Code A to Z list.

Looking for more in-depth results

Our telephone Area Codes List provides you with the general location details of a phone number. If you’re looking for more specific details, such as the name and exact address of the phone owner, we offer two subscription-based services that can help you further.

ORBIS is a subscription data platform. Trusted by businesses and law enforcement across the UK, the platform provides premium access to:

  • Unlimited searches
  • Multiple user profiles
  • Data currently unavailable to the general public

T2A is an integrated software that provides people and businesses with a way to verify personal information in the UK. Some popular uses for T2A include:

  • Finding a residential telephone number
  • Locating the precise location of a mobile or landline telephone number
  • Checking if a phone number is TPS registered

Using our UK Area Codes List

Area codes and dialling codes are the same thing – the three or four digits that appear at the beginning of any UK landline telephone number. These numbers are specific to each area of the country, which helps people know where people are calling from.

For instance, if you had a phone call from a telephone number beginning with 01904, you would know that someone is calling you from the city of York in North Yorkshire.

Our Area Codes list is very simple to use: click on an area code number to learn which city, town or county it belongs to.

If you would like to access more detailed information, you can buy credits to search our Telephone Directory for additional public data collated from the UK Electoral Roll and Directory Enquiries. Credits cost £10 for 40 credits, or £30 for 150 credits, and each search costs 4 credits.

Why use

Quickly find the UK area code information you need with We’re committed to providing you with UK phone codes that are correct and up to date, so you can easily find what you’re looking for.

Our telephone data is drawn from publicly available sources, including Directory Enquiries and Companies House, and trusted by high-security clients including FedEx and London’s Met Police.

We handle all data in accordance to the latest GDPR laws and regulations, so you can be sure your information is safe and secure.

Related Services

  • Dialling Codes – Search for UK Dialling Codes to discover the general location of any landline telephone number in the country.
  • Postcode Finder – Our Postcode Finder can help you find a postcode for an incomplete street address, or search for a street name using a postcode.
  • Residential Telephone Directory – Use a person's name and location to find their registered phone number in our UK Residential Telephone Directory.

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